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Electrical conductivity is ? Exam > equipment

The ability of a material to carry flow of an electric current.

Electrical power is expressed in ?

Electrical power expressed in The ability of a material to carry flow of an electric current.

The minimum operating voltage of a LiPo battery is ?

The minimum operating voltage of a lipo battery The ability of a material to carry flow of an electric current.

The embedded microprogram in an electronic system of a remotely piloted aircraft but also in its radio control unit ground station and possibly in some batteries called The ability of a material to carry flow of an electric current.

The element s that do not affect compass accuracy are The outside temperature.

The role of electronic speed controller esc To control speed of rotation of motors.

Current small rpa's operating within line of sight generally use following frequency flight control To control speed of rotation of motors.

When one engine fails on an 8 engines drone octocopter aircraft Normally responds to pilot commands.

To update your drone firmware recommended battery level should be at least before updating Normally responds to pilot commands.

Maintenance and record keeping servicing operations Are to be performed on entire aircraft its accessories.

Maintenance and record keeping for technical record keeping of a drone you do not have to note The total flight hour of your aircraft since first flight.

Electric motors propulsion the abbreviation corresponding to an engine that not turning in a clockwise direction The total flight hour of your aircraft since first flight.

Electric motors propulsion the abbreviation corresponding to an engine that turning in a clockwise direction The total flight hour of your aircraft since first flight.

Electric motors propulsion the abbreviations cw and ccw an electrical engine mean respectively Clockwise counter clockwise directions.

Electric motors propulsion an electric motor brushless of 450 kv powered with a voltage of 24 volts will rotate at Clockwise counter clockwise directions. Rpm = round per minute.

Batteries connecting two 6 v / 5 ah capacity batteries in series will result in a total voltage and capacity respectively of Clockwise counter clockwise directions. V = volt ah = ampere hour.

Batteries the connection in parallel of two 6 volt / 5 amp hours batteries will create a unit with following characteristics Clockwise counter clockwise directions. V = volt ah = ampere hour.

Batteries '4 written of a lipo battery it indicates The number of cells in series. V = volt ah = ampere hour.

Batteries the capacity of a battery of 5 ah 5 ampere during hour. V = volt ah = ampere hour.

Batteries the capacity of a battery the Amount of ampere hours that a fully charged battery can supply. V = volt ah = ampere hour.

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