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A position located East of the prime meridian and South of the Equator is ? Training > pilot

East longitude south latitude.

One minute of latitude is equal to ?

One minute of latitude equal to East longitude south latitude.

General Flying near a steep slope or a cliff is ?

General flying near a steep slope or a cliff Possible but risk of a loss of control increased.

General which of following statements true Flight in severe turbulence may lead to a stall and/or structural limitations being exceeded.

General turbulence windshear icing lightning and heavy precipitation are associated with cumulonimbus clouds which of following statements true All of hazards can be avoided not flying in vicinity of cloud.

General the most common hazard your drone overhead a wooded area All of hazards can be avoided not flying in vicinity of cloud.

General hazards to a drone caused the presence of cumulonimbus or thunderstorm cloud may be experienced When drone within nm of cloud.

General when confronted with a thunderstorm take off Should be avoided as a sudden wind shift or low level turbulence could cause a loss of control.

General you observe a drone on horizon ahead of yours a collision could occur if it appears to Remain stationary increases in size.

General a cumulonimbus cb cloud located vertically above your planned evolution area You wait the cumulonimbus to get away since there a risk of storm.

Indicate effect of a payload on flight range of a small remotely piloted aircraft The payload reduces range.

What navigation lights must small remotely piloted aircraft be equipped with to be able to be used during night Position lights that are visible to other airspace users that may or may not be using night vision googles.

Altitude defined as vertical distance separating an aircraft from Position lights that are visible to other airspace users that may or may not be using night vision googles.

Detect and avoid defined as The capability to see sense or detect conflicting air traffic or other hazards to take appropriate action.

The definition of maximum take off weight mtow Maximum take off weight authorized the manufacturer of an aircraft at take off.

A significant part of loss of wing lift can be attributed to Leading edge contamination.

The person who ensures that drone serviceable flight Leading edge contamination.

Frost ice or snow on a wing will Increase stall speed reduce rate of climb.

The risk of losing visual line of sight of small rpa increased when you are operating in Increase stall speed reduce rate of climb.

The main risk associated with frost contamination on your remotely piloted aircraft A lift decrease leading to degrade flight performance.

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