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Portable electronic devices at or near the control station are ? Training > pilot

Only allowed if pilot can confirm that they will not interfere with command control link before during flight.

Figures published on aircraft performance capabilities are always related to ?

Figures published on aircraft performance capabilities are always related to Only allowed if pilot can confirm that they will not interfere with command control link before during flight.

Aircraft performance may be seriously affected by frost ice or snow on the wings and control surfaces primarily because of the 1 increase in gross weight2 disruption of smooth airflow3 strong ?

Aircraft performance may be seriously affected frost ice or snow on wings and control surfaces primarily because of 1 increase in gross weight2 disruption of smooth airflow3 strong possibility that control hinges will freeze4 adverse movement of c of gthe combination regrouping all correct statements Only allowed if pilot can confirm that they will not interfere with command control link before during flight.

Aircraft performance during a steady horizontal turn stall speed Increases with square root of load factor.

Aircraft performance which of following combinations adversely affects take off and initial climb performance High temperature high relative humidity.

For a fixed wing drone airplane type best angle of climb Permits largest gain of altitude in a given distance.

For a fixed wing drone airplane type best rate of climb Permits to travel greatest distance in a given time.

What information from aeronautical service will inform about presence of thunderstorm The aerodrome routine weather reports (metar's).

What weather service especially helpful in determining presence of a thunderstorm Aerodrome routine meteorological reports (metar's).

If there unintended contact between an animal and a small rpa pilot required to Cease operations until such time as corrective actions have been taken risk of reoccurrence has been eliminated.

Indicate in what conditions performance of an aircraft will be best In cold weather near sea level at high atmospheric pressure.

Rpas operations vlos the goal of a lost link procedure to Ensure that flight path remains predictable without danger to other aircrafts.

Indicate at what altitude an aircraft's performance will be at it's maximum regardless of air temperature and barometric pressure Ensure that flight path remains predictable without danger to other aircrafts.

No pilot shall transfer control of an rpa from one control station to another control station in flight unless There a procedure in place to mitigate risk of loss of control.

How an airfois performance affected frost or ice Lift decreased drag increased.

If ice has accumulated on an aerofoil in flight stalling speed will Increase in all flight conditions.

During a flight under gps position hold mode with a multi rotor rpas suitable way to counteract an excessive wind gradient To decrease flight height.

Choose statement that defines use of a radio communication jammer Radio communication jammers are prohibited in canada. Jammers are devices that transmit emit or radiate electromagnetic energy are designed to cause cause or are capable of causing interference or obstruction of radiocommunication the radiocommunication act no person shall install use possess manufacture import distribute lease offer sale or sell a jammer.

Indicate how aviation stakeholders have a role to play in mitigating wildlife related risks Familiarize yourself with bird / mammal impact report forms be sure to file a report in case of accidental contact with a wild animal. For information birds tend to be more active at dawn dusk risks peak during spring fall migration periods https //www tc gc ca/eng/civilaviation/publications/tp185 2 08 regulations 3694 htm http //publications gc ca/collections/collection/t52 4 6 2004e pdf chapter10 targets pilots directly outlining their roles responsibilities flight planning tips operating techniques avoiding responding to wildlife strikes you may also read http //publications gc ca/collections/collection_2013/tc/t52 4 79 2002 eng pdf.

When lateral distance limitations do not apply no pilot shall operate a small remotely piloted aircraft at a ground speed of more than There no restriction on speed this level of operations. For information birds tend to be more active at dawn dusk risks peak during spring fall migration periods https //www tc gc ca/eng/civilaviation/publications/tp185 2 08 regulations 3694 htm http //publications gc ca/collections/collection/t52 4 6 2004e pdf chapter10 targets pilots directly outlining their roles responsibilities flight planning tips operating techniques avoiding responding to wildlife strikes you may also read http //publications gc ca/collections/collection_2013/tc/t52 4 79 2002 eng pdf.

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