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Flight Information Stations FSS provide pilots with relevant information on aircraft movements ? MCQ > piloting

At uncontrolled aerodromes.

The two pieces of information that must be part of an initial radio contact with air traffic control are ?

The two pieces of information that must be part of an initial radio contact with air traffic control are Type of aircraft manufacturer.

The pilot of a Cessna 182 registration CF RJD will contact the Winnipeg control tower with the following phraseology ?

The pilot of a cessna 182 registration cf rjd will contact winnipeg control tower with following phraseology Winnipeg tower this cessna one eight two foxtrot romeo juliett delta.

Among choices below identify document in which a pilot can find aeronautical radio communication frequencies Canada flight supplement.

During a flight operation inside class c airspace you lose contact with air traffic control unit you must Immediately land remotely piloted aircraft restore communication.

Small rpa operators operating in uncontrolled airspace should monitor Immediately land remotely piloted aircraft restore communication.

Identify frequency to use in an emergency On frequency in use at time.

Indicate how to express on radio noon eastern standard time on sixteenth day of month On frequency in use at time.

Indicate priority of aeronautical radio communications Distress urgency all other communications.

Any person who violates privacy of communications liable on summary conviction in case of an individual to a fine not exceeding Distress urgency all other communications.

You are allowed to taxi along a taxiway you are approaching a runway and you notice that stop bars are illuminated red your action I stop on taxiway i wait a new clearance.

The term 'atc instruction' means An atc directive given to pilot on a formal basis.

Who should signify cancellation of an urgency when it no longer necessary to respond to it The station responsible its transmission.

Using phonetic alphabet how would you spell word 'danie Delta alpha november india echo lima.

A 270° 10 kt wind should be expressed as follows Wind two seven zero at ten.

The correct way of transmitting number 1500 when indicating an altitude One thousand five hundred.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic piper charlie alpha golf five miles to south three thousand five hundred feet will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

The correct way of transmitting number 2600 when indicating an altitude Two thousand six hundred.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic piper charlie alpha golf five miles to south three thousand five hundred feet will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

In radio communications signal which means that grave and imminent danger threatens and immediate assistance required the spoken phrase Mayday mayday mayday.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic piper charlie alpha golf five miles to south three thousand five hundred feet will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

Phonetic spelling of letter 'z' in international alphabet Mayday mayday mayday.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic piper charlie alpha golf five miles to south three thousand five hundred feet will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

Phonetic spelling of letter 'y' in international alphabet Mayday mayday mayday.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic piper charlie alpha golf five miles to south three thousand five hundred feet will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

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