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What is the main effect of chronic stress on a pilot ?

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exemple 14
The pilot may not be attentive to new challenges, the pilot will tend to take care of solve problems, despite fatigue, pilot alert to subtle information, flight task management energetic, fast efficient.

Which statement defines the violation of a rule or a procedure ?

exemple 15
Which statement defines violation of a rule or a procedure You commit a violation when you voluntarily depart from a rule or procedure, there no difference between making an error violating a rule or procedure, there no routine violation. the violation of a rule or procedure always occasional, committing a violation an involuntary act.

What is the requirement to operate a small remotely piloted aircraft from a ground control station that is above 10 000 ft ASL ?

exemple 16
What the requirement to operate a small remotely piloted aircraft from a ground control station that above 10 000 ft asl There no additional requirements beyond what listed in car's, the use of supplemental oxygen each crew member, a special flight operations certificate (sfoc), the survival equipment as recommended the aim.

  • exemple 17
    What the recommended amount of time a drone pilot should take between donating blood and resuming flying duties 48 hours, 24 hours,2 hours, 72 hours.

  • exemple 21
    Which sentence matches most to definition of human error We make a mistake when our action deviates from our intention, when our intention inappropriate to situation, good pilots never make mistakes, the consequences of an error do not depend on context in which it occurs, the error intentional.

  • exemple 22
    Which proposal does not apply to a constructive and effective feedback A feedback must always firmly establish personal mistakes of its recipient, it must fit to receiver's level of training, it must be concrete specific to concerned situation, it must be phrased subjectively personally ('i' instead of 'he').

  • exemple 23
    Main strategies to face temporal constraints are The preparation of actions the classification of tasks in priority order, the classification of tasks in priority order application of procedures, the preparation of actions application of procedures, the preparation of actions time management.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 8

    What are main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance hypovigilance 1 the monotony of task2 tiredness and need sleep3 a lack of stimulation4 excessive stress

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 9

    Interpersonal relations workplace safety the canada labour code gives you right to know right to participate and right To refuse dangerous work, to leave your workstation without notice, to modify your working hours at your convenience, to refuse a normal task.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 10

    One of means a drone pilot to be proficiency at an upcoming flight To prepare maximum of elements which will be used its realization, to apprehend this flight according to his sensations, to use only his savoire faire, to prepare minimum of elements which will be used its realization.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 11

    A large number of medical preparations can be bought without a doctor's prescription in relation to using these preparations which of following correct A pilot using any of these preparations should get professional advice from an aviation medical specialist if he intends to fly self medicate at same time, they will cause a condition of over arousal, the side effects of these types of preparations are sufficiently negligible as to be ignored pilots, they have no side effects which would give problems to a pilot during flight.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 12

    A high motivation level related to A high arousal level, state of boredom, a high intelligence level, complacency.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 13

    A pilot using a small rpas wears glasses to correct vision he Is not worried because it does not affect exercise of his activity, must have a medical check up, must notify wearing of his glasses in his logbook, will be able to practice under supervision of another pilot who does not wear glasses.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 14

    A person being exposed to intense and prolonged stress can perceive An increased heart rate, sweating fatigue, an increased heart rate performance, a decreased heart rate, sweating fatigue, a decreased heart rate performance.

  • Question Section 3: Human factors 17 Answer 15

    A drone pilot focused on 3 parameters he deems essential height horizontal distance to an obstacle and drone speed a friend tells him he approaching a power line the pilot always focused does not readback this this situation characteristic of Tunnel effect, sensory perception, cognitive perception, proprioceptive effect.

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