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Load factor For a fixed wing aircraft airplane or glider when load factor increases ?

Questionnaire > weather

exemple 32
Stall speed increases, but critical angle of attack remains unchanged, critical angle of attack increases, but stall speed remains unchanged, both critical angle of attack stall speed increase, critical angle of attack increases, but stall speed decreases.

Forces acting on an aircraft All other things being equal when temperatures decreases ?

exemple 33
Forces acting on an aircraft all other things being equal when temperatures decreases Lift drag increase, lift decreases drag increases, lift increases drag decreases, lift drag decrease.

Forces acting on an aircraft If velocity is increased on an airplane wing or a rotor blade at constant angle of attack ?

exemple 34
Forces acting on an aircraft if velocity increased on an airplane wing or a rotor blade at constant angle of attack Lift drag increase, lift increases drag decreases, lift decreases drag increases, lift drag decrease.

  • exemple 35
    Forces acting on an aircraft lift acts Perpendicular to relative wind, parallel to drag, parallel to relative wind, parallel to mean geometric chord.

  • exemple 36
    Forces acting on an aircraft lift and drag vary As square of speed, inversely with speed, at twice speed, as square root of speed.

  • exemple 37
    Forces acting on an aircraft drag acts Parallel to relative wind, parallel to mean geometric chord, parallel to lift, perpendicular to relative wind.

  • exemple 38
    Forces acting on an aircraft for a fixed wing aircraft airplane or glider in order to maintain a level co ordinated turn compared with straight and level flight lift must Be greater than in straight flight, be equal to weight, the same than in straight flight, be lesser than in straight flight.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 8

    Forces acting on an aircraft for a fixed wing drone maintaining straight and level flight 1 lift balances weight2 lift balances drag3 thrust balances drag4 thrust balances weight

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 9

    Forces acting on an aircraft during a straight and steady flight Lift equal to weight, thurst equal to weight, lift equal to thurst, drag equal to weight.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 10

    Forces acting on an aircraft all other things being equal when altitude increases Lift drag decrease, lift decreases drag increases, lift increases drag decreases, lift drag increase.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 11

    Forces acting on an aircraft all other things being equal when temperatures increases Lift drag decrease, lift drag increase, lift decreases drag increases, lift increases drag decreases.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 12

    Propellers and rotors from hub to tip of a propeller blade angle of attack Decreases, changes according speed, increases, remains unchanged definition.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 13

    Propellers and rotors if one of my drone propeller broken or shows significant signs of wear I replace propeller one of same size pitch, it does not matter if it still produces lift necessary to flight, i can replace it with a propeller of same diameter, with a different pitch, i can replace it with a propeller of same pitch, with a different diameter.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 14

    Propellers and rotors lift generated a blade depends on 1 airmass density2 relative wind speed3 blade area4 blade's angle of attack5 airfoil shape , 2, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5.

  • Question Section 7: Theory of flight 32 Answer 15

    Propellers and rotors the diameter of a propeller blade usually expressed in

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