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If aviation safety or the safety of any person is endangered or likely to be endangered a pilot that operates a remotely piloted aircraft system ?

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exemple 40
Shall immediately cease operations, must inform authority, must be able to assist authority, shall complete an incident report. Flight safety 901.16 a pilot that operates a remotely piloted aircraft system shall immediately cease operations if aviation safety or safety of any person endangered or likely to be endangered.

If you lose communications with ATC when in C or D Class airspace you shall ?

exemple 41
If you lose communications with atc when in c or d class airspace you shall Use a back up system to re establish communications, if not land immediately, activate emergency locator transmitters (elt), since you are already flying in controlled airspace, you must follow planned flight, proceed as authorized, then at end of mission, inform controller phone. 602.138 two way radiocommunication failure in vfr flight where there a two way radiocommunication failure between controlling air traffic control unit a vfr aircraft while operating in class b, class c or class d airspace, pilot in command shall (a) leave airspace (i) where airspace a control zone, landing at aerodrome which control zone established, and (ii) in any other case, the shortest route (b) where aircraft equipped with a transponder, set transponder to code 7600 (c) inform an air traffic control unit as soon as possible of actions taken pursuant to paragraph (a). tc aim 1.15 phone use during a radio communications failure in event of an in flight radio communications failure, only after normal communications failure procedures have been followed, pilot in command may attempt to contact appropriate nav canada air traffic service (ats) unit means of a conventional cell or satellite phone. before placing call, transponder equipped aircraft should squawk code 7600. public switched telephone network (pstn) numbers to be used in event of a communication failure are published in canada flight supplement (cfs).

Outside hours of operation of the ATC unit the Class D airspace ?

exemple 42
Outside hours of operation of atc unit class d airspace Becomes class e airspace, becomes class f airspace, becomes class g airspace, remains unchanged. From tc aim airspace classified as class d becomes class e airspace when appropriate atc unit not in operation.

  • exemple 43
    As a pilot you shall have following documentation available inspection during flight Pilot certificate certificate of registration of drone, pilot certificate, purchase invoice a copy of cars, pilot certificate, insurance certificate land owner authorization, pilot certificate, insurance certificate, drivers license land owner authorization. 901.57 access to certificate proof of recency no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division unless both of following are easily accessible to pilot during operation of system (a) pilot certificate small remotely piloted aircraft (vlos) basic operations or advanced operations (b) documentation demonstrating that pilot meets recency requirements set out in section 901.56. 901.09 access to certificate of registration no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system unless certificate of registration issued in respect of remotely piloted aircraft easily accessible to pilot the duration of operation. 901.30 availability of remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual no pilot shall conduct take off or launch of a remotely piloted aircraft which manufacturer has provided a remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual unless manual immediately available to crew members at their duty stations.

  • exemple 44
    To fly your drone over persons Strictly prohibited unless manufacturer has made available a rpas safety assurance declaration this type of operation, allowed if you fly at or above 4 ft agl, allowed if you fly at or above 5 ft agl, only allowed fixed wing drones. An rpas which a manufacturer makes no declaration cannot be used to conduct advanced operations referred to in section 901.69 of cars. car's 901.69 manufacturer declaration permitted operations no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division to conduct any of following operations unless a declaration under section 901.76 has been made in respect of that model of system the certificate of registration issued in respect of aircraft specifies operations which declaration was made (a) operations in controlled airspace (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in operation, measured horizontally at any altitude or (c) operations at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally at any altitude. standard 922 rpas safety assurance

  • exemple 45
    No person shall operate a small remotely piloted aircraft system in basic operations environment if aircraft less than nautical miles from center of an airport nautical mile from center of a heliport that listed in canada flight supplement or water aerodrome supplement Airports, heliports aerodromes an aerodrome anywhere that an aircraft can take off land. this includes airports, heliports, seaplane bases. unless you are following an established transport canada procedure, you cannot fly closer than 5.6 kilometres (3 nautical miles) from any airport listed as certified (cert) in canada flight supplement 1.9 kilometres (1 nautical mile) from heliports or aerodromes used helicopters only there are no distance requirements operations near all other aerodromes. operators must maintain a safe distance from other aircraft at all times.

  • exemple 46
    No person shall operate a small rpa in vfr flight within controlled airspace unless The weather must be good enough to keep drone in sight at all times, the ground visibility not less than one kilometer, the ground visibility not less than one mile, the ground visibility not less than three kilometers. Division iii general operating flight rules 901.11 visual line of sight 1) subject to subsection (2), no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system unless pilot or a visual observer has aircraft in visual line of sight at all times during flight. 2) a pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft system without pilot or a visual observer having aircraft in visual line of sight if operation conducted in accordance with a special flight operations certificate 901.34 minimum weather conditions no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system unless weather conditions at time of flight permit (a) operation to be conducted in accordance with manufacturer's instructions (b) pilot of system any visual observer to conduct entire flight within visual line of sight.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 8

    It forbidden to a canadian aviation document Make unreadable, show, to fold, photocopy. Cars subpart 3 istration compliance division ii compliance inspection of aircraft, requests production of documents prohibitions .... (3) no person shall (a) lend a canadian aviation document to any person who not entitled to it these regulations, or allow any such person to use a canadian aviation document or (b) mutilate, alter or render illegible a canadian aviation document.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 9

    Indicate airspace s where a pilot can use a small remotely piloted aircraft in basic operations G, c, d, e g, d, e, g cya, e, g. Basic operations if you meet all 3 of these conditions, you're conducting basic operations you fly it in uncontrolled airspace you fly it more than 30 metres (100 feet) horizontally from bystanders you never fly it over bystanders if you do not meet any 1 of these 3 conditions, you are conducting advanced operations. for example, let's say you fly your drone more than 30 metres (100 feet) horizontally from bystanders but in controlled airspace. this operation advanced because you're flying in controlled airspace even if you're more than 30 metres (100 feet) horizontally from bystanders. uncontrolled airspace = class g airspace.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 10

    Specify a condition that pilot of a drone in advanced operations must meet in order an urban area to be overflown The drone must stay 3meters horizontally from any people unless manufacturer has provided a safety assurance declaration, the drone has been manufactured in canada, ground visibility at least 3 km, the flight perform day only. An rpas which a manufacturer makes no declaration cannot be used to conduct advanced operations referred to in section 901.69 of cars. car's 901.69 manufacturer declaration permitted operations no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division to conduct any of following operations unless a declaration under section 901.76 has been made in respect of that model of system the certificate of registration issued in respect of aircraft specifies operations which declaration was made (a) operations in controlled airspace (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in operation, measured horizontally at any altitude or (c) operations at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally at any altitude. standard 922 rpas safety assurance

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 11

    Elt abbreviation means Emergency locator transmitter, emergency location tower, emergency landing terminal, emergency location transistor. 901.45 elt no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft equipped with an elt.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 12

    The minimum altitude at which pilot of a small remotely piloted aircraft in advanced operations can fly over a person It forbidden to overfly people unless manufacturer has provided appropriate rpas safety assurance declaration, 2 feet, 3 feet,5feet. An rpas which a manufacturer makes no declaration cannot be used to conduct advanced operations referred to in section 901.69 of cars. car's 901.69 manufacturer declaration permitted operations no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division to conduct any of following operations unless a declaration under section 901.76 has been made in respect of that model of system the certificate of registration issued in respect of aircraft specifies operations which declaration was made (a) operations in controlled airspace (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in operation, measured horizontally at any altitude or (c) operations at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally at any altitude. standard 922 rpas safety assurance

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 13

    The statement that best describes 'visual line of sight vlos ' Unaided visual contact, that sufficient to keep control, sufficient detecting avoid other aircraft or objects, unaided visual contact, that sufficient to keep control, unaided visual contact, that sufficient to keep control, sufficient detecting avoid other aircraft, any visual contact with a remotely piloted aircraft sufficient to maintain control. Visual line of sight (vlos) 'visual line of sight' means keeping your device in sight at all times without visual aid (for example, binoculars or video feed). this means not flying into clouds or fog, or behind trees, buildings or other (even partial) obstructions. from car's (canadian aviation regulations) visual line of sight or vlos? means unaided visual contact at all times with a remotely piloted aircraft that sufficient to be able to maintain control of aircraft, know its location, be able to scan airspace in which it operating in order to perform detect avoid functions in respect of other aircraft or objects.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 14

    The expression that best describes a 'non controlled airport' The aerodrome circuit described in pro section of canada flight supplement, the uncontrolled aerodrome circuit always made with left hand turns, the altitude of uncontrolled aerodrome circuit a,feet agl, like a controlled airport, the altitude of uncontrolled aerodrome circuit at discretion of pilot.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 40 Answer 15

    Airspace classified as class c becomes class airspace when appropriate atc unit not in operation From tc aim class c airspace becomes class e airspace when relevant air traffic control unit not in service.

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