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The primary difference between an airport and aerodrome is that ?

Regulation > flight

exemple 41
Airports are aerodromes certified under subsection 3 2. 3 of cars, aerodromes have grass runways, airports have more than one runway, airports are registered aerodromes. Aerodrome or airport what's difference? the terms airport aerodrome are often used interchangeably the aviation industry legislation regulation (at least in canada) make primary use of latter. for instance, canadian aeronautics act defines an aerodrome as 'any area of land, water (including frozen surface thereof) or other supporting surface used, designed, prepared, equipped or set apart use either in whole or in part the arrival, departure movement or servicing thereon or associated therewith.' aerodrome categories there are three different categories of aerodromes, each presenting progressively different safety requirements. in order of ascending safety level, categories are listed below aerodromes (small airstrips located on private property that are neither registered nor certified), registered aerodromes, and certified aerodromes, referred to as airports.

Subpart 1 Small remotely piloted aircraft of the Canadian Aviation Regulations Part IX does not apply to Remotely Piloted Aircraft having a maximum takeoff weight MTW ?

exemple 42
Subpart 1 small remotely piloted aircraft of canadian aviation regulations part ix does not apply to remotely piloted aircraft having a maximum takeoff weight mtw Less than 25g, more than 25g, of 25kg more, of 8g or less. A remotely piloted aircraft having a maximum takeoff weight (mtw) less than 250 g are not subject to rules in part ix subpart 1 of canadian aviation regulations.

A manufacturer that has made a Safety Assurance declaration to the Minister for a remotely piloted aircraft system shall make available to each owner of that model ?

exemple 43
A manufacturer that has made a safety assurance declaration to minister a remotely piloted aircraft system shall make available to each owner of that model An operator's manual with measures to ensure safe use of that model, the list of batteries that can be used on that model, the list of cameras that can be used on that model, the source codes of embedded microprograms. 901.78 documentation a manufacturer that has made a declaration to minister in respect of a model of remotely piloted aircraft system under section 901.76 shall make available to each owner of that model of system (a) a maintenance program that includes (i) instructions related to servicing maintenance of system, (ii) an inspection program to maintain system readiness (b) any mandatory actions manufacturer issues in respect of system (c) a remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual that includes (i) a description of system, (ii) ranges of weights centres of gravity within which system may be safely operated under normal emergency conditions and, if a weight centre of gravity combination considered safe only within certain loading limits, those limits the corresponding weight centre of gravity combinations, (iii) with respect to each flight phase mode of operation, minimum maximum altitudes velocities within which aircraft can be operated safely under normal emergency conditions, (iv) a description of effects of foreseeable weather conditions or other environmental conditions on performance of both system the pilot, (v) characteristics of system that could result in severe injury to crew members during normal operations, (vi) design features of system, their associated operations, that are intended to protect against injury to persons not involved in operations, (vii) warning information provided to pilot in event of a degradation in system performance that results in an unsafe system operation condition, (viii) procedures operating system in normal emergency conditions, (ix) assembly adjustment instructions the system.

  • exemple 44
    The pilot of a small remotely piloted aircraft at or near an aerodrome must Avoid established traffic pattern followed manned aircraft, adopt traffic pattern followed other aircraft, turn on position lights of remotely piloted aircraft, fly 5 feet below altitude of traffic circuit followed other aircraft. Cars 901.47 operations at or in vicinity of an aerodrome, airport or heliport no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft at or near an aerodrome that listed in canada flight supplement or water aerodrome supplement in a manner that could interfere with an aircraft operating in established traffic pattern.

  • exemple 45
    The term 'drone' refers To any type of remotely piloted aircraft system (rpas), only a civilian remotely piloted aircraft system (rpas), only a military remotely piloted aircraft system (rpas), a remotely piloted aircraft system (rpas) of more than 25gr. In part ix of canadian aviation regulations, term 'remotely piloted aircraft system used to align with all international partners.

  • exemple 46
    Bystander refers to Anyone that not directly associated with operating drone. among others, this excludes pilot crew, anyone that not directly associated with operating drone, a person located in operating area of ??the drone, a person who accidentally enters operating area of ??the drone.

  • exemple 47
    Flight of a small rpa over persons under advanced operations structure Strictly prohibited unless it has a defined rpas safety assurance declaration from manufacturer appropriate to your operation, allowed if rpa flown greater than 3 ft agl, allowed only if it tethered with a dual power source, allowed if rpa flown greater than 5 ft agl. An rpas which a manufacturer makes no declaration cannot be used to conduct advanced operations referred to in section 901.69 of cars. car's 901.69 manufacturer declaration permitted operations no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this division to conduct any of following operations unless a declaration under section 901.76 has been made in respect of that model of system the certificate of registration issued in respect of aircraft specifies operations which declaration was made (a) operations in controlled airspace (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in operation, measured horizontally at any altitude or (c) operations at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally at any altitude. standard 922 rpas safety assurance

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 8

    What the document in which you will find information about nav canada's air traffic services The aeronautical information manual (aim), the designated airspace handbook (dah), the basic handbook, the advanced handbook. Https //www.tc.gc.ca/en/services/aviation/publications/tc aim.html

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 9

    Drone pilots must follow rules in The canadian aviation regulations (cars), the canadian drone flying handbook, the icao annexes, the chicago convention on international civil aviation. Drone pilots must follow rules in canadian aviation regulations (cars). part ix (remotely piloted aircraft systems) contains most of rules that apply to drones. you should read these regulations in full before you fly your drone the first time. drone pilots must carry a valid drone pilot certificate only fly drones that are marked registered

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 10

    Aeronautics act the following sentence 'the pilot having responsibility and authority the operation and safety of aircraft during flight time' refers to definition of A pilot in command, a chief pilot, a rpas operator, a leader.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 11

    When an aircraft approaching head on or approximately so of your drone and there danger of collision you shall Alter heading to right, climb, descend, alter heading to left.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 12

    In order to operate in a small rpa advanced operation environment you must first Ensure rpa marked registered with transport canada, have a ways means of contacting transport canada registration office before each flight, have proper lights gps antennas, ensure rpa marked registered with nav canada.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 13

    To fly your drone beyond visual line of sight You must have a sfoc (special flight operations certificate), you must use a first person view (fpv) device, you must have an instrument rating, you have to be out of built up areas. Operations during which rpas (the 'drone') operated beyond visual line of sight (bvlos) require a special flight operations certificate (sfoc).

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 14

    In order a manufacturer to meet obligations of their rpas safety assurance declaration he must Update each operator of any mandatory actions in respect of rpas to keep it safely operable, sell at least rpas per year, have no less than 4 redundant safety systems in place, continue to develop advance technology further.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 41 Answer 15

    To hand over their responsibilities to another pilot during flight It not necessary to hold a special flight operations certificate (sfoc), it necessary to hold a special flight operations certificate (sfoc), at least one of two pilots must have aircraft in sight, at time of transfer, only one control station must be used. 901.42 handovers no pilot shall hand over their responsibilities to another pilot during flight unless, before take off or launch of a remotely piloted aircraft, (a) a pre arrangement in respect of handover has been made between pilots and (b) a procedure has been developed to mitigate risk of loss of control of aircraft.

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