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RPAS airframes power plants propulsion and systems For a remotely piloted aircraft altitude is given by the following instruments 1 barometer 2 ?

Progression > UAV

exemple 46
, 2,, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4.

RPAS airframes power plants propulsion and systems The altitude hold system mainly uses 1 a satellite positioning system 2 an ultrasonic sensor 3 a vertical speed indicator 4 a barometer The ?

exemple 47
Rpas airframes power plants propulsion and systems the altitude hold system mainly uses 1 a satellite positioning system 2 an ultrasonic sensor 3 a vertical speed indicator 4 a barometer the combination regrouping all correct statements

Airframes After a constraint higher than the yield strength limit an aircraft part 1 returns to its original shape 2 has a lower resistance 3 keep its resistance characteristics 4 must be ?

exemple 48
Airframes after a constraint higher than yield strength limit an aircraft part 1 returns to its original shape 2 has a lower resistance 3 keep its resistance characteristics 4 must be replaced 5 can be straightened the combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 4,, 2, 5,, 3, 5,, 3, 4.

  • exemple 49
    Airframe the elastic limit of a material Should never be exceeded, can be exceeded without reaching limit of permanent deformation, can be exceeded short times, can be exceeded but only specific cases.

  • exemple 50
    Airframes a propeller blade includes following elements 1 a lower surface 2 an upper surface 3 a leading edge 4 a trailing edge 5 a rotation direction 6 a lift to drag ratio the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 3, 4 5,, 2, 3 4, 5 6, 3, 4, 5 6.

  • exemple 51
    Electrical systems an electrical systems protected from overcurrent A fuse, a voltage regulator, a transistor, a generator.

  • exemple 52
    Magnetic compass the direct reading magnetic compass no more reliable when approaching 1 magnetic poles 2 magnetic equator with a east or west heading 3 magnetic equator with a north or south heading the combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 8

    Magnetic compass information given a magnetic compass impaired A ferrous metal mass, a non ferrous metal mass, the rain, the wind.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 9

    Magnetic compass the fields affecting a magnetic compass originate from 1 magnetic masses 2 ferrous metal masses 3 non ferrous metal masses 4 electrical currents the combination regrouping all correct statements

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 10

    Magnetic compass magnetic variation can be best described as The angle between true meridian magnetic meridian, the measurement of magnetic strength between north south magnetic poles, the distance from magnetic north pole to geographical north pole, the distance between two magnetic lines.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 11

    Magnetic compass which of following statements may lead to a risk of compass error The line of faith of compass aligned with transverse axis of drone, the compass installed within 4cm of battery, the compass installed on a carbon fiber structure, the compass installed inside drone, without any outside view.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 12

    Magnetic compass the purpose of a compass swing to attempt to coincide indications of Compass north magnetic north, geographic north magnetic north, compass north the drone's heading marker, compass north geographic north.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 13

    Magnetic compass your magnetic compass requires A regular calibration procedure, a different setting depending on flight's altitude, the carriage of a permanent magnet to compensate variation, a dedicated power supply independent of battery.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 14

    Magnetic compass to calibrate magnetic compass of your remotely piloted aircraft It recommended to move away from all magnetic or ferrous sources, calibration will be more accurate using permanent magnets, you must go through an authorized workshop, a ferrous metal mass must be positioned under your drone.

  • Question Section 2: Airframes, power plants 46 Answer 15

    Compass without taking account of instrumental error a compass shows Magnetic north, grid north, true north, geographic north.

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