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While gaining altitude decrease of atmospheric pressure is ?

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exemple 72
Greater in lower layers than in altitude, unrelated with temperature, linear until tropopause, unrelated with humidity.

In general while gaining altitude air mass density ?

exemple 73
In general while gaining altitude air mass density Decreases, as pressure temperature, increases, inversely to pressure temperature, decreases, inversely to pressure temperature, increases, as pressure temperature.

With unstable conditions what cloud formation is most likely to occur above 8000 meters ?

exemple 74
With unstable conditions what cloud formation most likely to occur above 8000 meters Cumulonimbus, stratus, cirrostratus, altocumulus.

  • exemple 75
    With passage of a cold front surface wind usually Veer increase in speed, back decrease in speed, increase in speed without a change in direction, change direction without a change in speed.

  • exemple 76
    Moisture the amount of water vapour that a given volume of air can contain governed its Temperature, dewpoint, density, relative humidity.

  • exemple 77
    It recommended to remain at a safe distance from a thunderstorm of at least 7 miles, 4 miles, 2 miles, miles.

  • exemple 78
    Always suspect turbulence in presence of A passing front, snow, rain, clouds.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 8

    There a high probability morning fog the following conditions High pressure system, with high humidity, light wind a clear night, low pressure system, with high humidity, strong wind an overcast nocturnal sky, low pressure system, with low humidity, no wind low temperarture, high pressure system, with low humidity, no wind high temperarture.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 9

    Indicate which document pilots should consult in order to obtain icing turbulence and freezing conditions Graphic area forecast charts (gfa), notices to airmen (notam), aviation weather forecasts (taf), aviation weather observation reports (metar).

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 10

    The correct statement about wind speed at altitude Winds are usually stronger at altitude, winds are generally of equal speed regardless of altitude, winds are generally lower at altitude, there usually no wind at altitude.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 11

    The atmosphere contains following gases 78% nitrogen, 2 % oxygen,, 3% carbon dioxide, restrare gases, 78% oxygen, 2 % nitrogen,% carbon monoxide, restrare gases, 78% helium, 2 % oxygen,% carbon monoxide, restrare gases, 78% helium, 2 % oxygen,, 3% carbon dioxide, restrare gases.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 12

    The temperature lapse rate of standard atmosphere 6.5°c perm until m, 2°c perm until m, 8.5°c perft until ft, 6.5°c perft until ft.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 13

    Relative humidity the Amount of moisture present in air compared to amount air could hold at that temperature pressure, amount of moisture present in air, weight of water present in air, temperature to which air must be lowered to bring about saturation.

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 14

    Thunderstorms are associated with a particular type of cloud cumulonimbus cb generating winds Very variables in direction (variation of8 ° possible) in speed (strong gusts), laminar but variable in direction (up to 9 °), very straight but very strong (up to 4kt), regular in direction at light speed (maximum 2kt).

  • Question Section 4: Meteorology 59 Answer 15

    Thunderstorm characteristic of Cumulonimbus, cumulus, nimbostratus, stratocumulus.

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