Exam > equipment : A valley breeze anabatic effect generates a wind oriented towards ?
Question 60-1 : The top of the valley the bottom of the valley during the night the bottom of the valley the top of the valley during the night
The sea breeze occurs ?
Question 60-2 : At forenoon and in the afternoon from sea to land between 9pm to 7am from land to sea during the night from sea to land between 10am to 18pm from land to sea
The land breeze occurring ?
Question 60-3 : At night because the land is cooling faster than the sea at day because the land is cooling slower than the sea at night because the land is cooling slower than the sea at day because the land is cooling faster than the sea
A valley breeze anabatic effect is established when the slopes of surrounding ?
Question 60-4 : At day warm up faster than the valley at night cool down faster than the valley at day warm up slower than the valley at night cool down slower than the valley

Condensation of a moist air mass will lead to the creation of ?
Question 60-5 : A cloud turbulences a jetstream rolls

Convection is a phenomenon triggered by ?
Question 60-6 : A vertical movement of air under the effect of a diurna ground heating an horizontal movement of air under the effect of a nocturnal ground heating a vertical movements of air under the effect of a temperature inversion an horizontal movement of air under the effect of an isothermal layer

Wind speed ?
Question 60-7 : Increases with altitude decreases with altitude tends to become weaker and disappears at about 10 000 ft remains unchanged with increasing altitude

At night as a valley cools down the air becomes denser and flows downward and ?
Question 60-8 : Katabatic winds anabatic winds land breeze sea breeze

A cumulonimbus cloud creates a risk of ?
Question 60-9 : Windshear foehn effect fog snowfall

The presence of a cloud cover ?
Question 60-10 : Reduces daily temperature variation does not act on the daily temperature variation since there is no convection increases daily temperature variation does not act on the daily temperature variation

When isobars on a weather map are close together the wind is most likely to be ?
Question 60-11 : Strong blowing perpendicular to the isobars changing direction rapidly light

The following sequence of clouds 'cirrus cirrostratus altostratus and ?
Question 60-12 : Warm front occluded front cold front stationary front

The dew point temperature is the temperature ?
Question 60-13 : From which water vapor could condense into dew or fog the lowest reached during the night above which water vapor could condense into dew or fog measured at sunrise

Thermal turbulence is caused by ?
Question 60-14 : Surface heating convection movement of air over mountainous terrain air mass's relative humidity wind speed

Mechanical turbulence is the result of ?
Question 60-15 : Friction between the air and the ground solar radiation thermal gradient intensification

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