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Diploma > PowerVision : Thunderstorms thunder and lightning are associated with ?

Question 63-1 : Cumulonimbus clouds castellanus clouds altostratus clouds stratus clouds

Among the following clouds the one most likely to produce hail is the ?

Question 63-2 : Cumulonimbus stratus cirrus altocumulus

The average speed of a depression low pressure system is ?

Question 63-3 : 25 kt 5 kt 50 kt 100 kt

exemple 71 25 kt.25 kt.

Underneath a stable clouds ceiling you may encounter 1 high intensity ?

Question 63-4 : 4 1 2 3 and 4 1 3 2 3

exemple 75 4.4.

Stability and instability which of the following items will not affect air ?

Question 63-5 : Dew point thermal gradient wind solar radiation

exemple 79 dew point.dew point.

On a clouds and weather forecast chart the isobars are represented at intervals ?

Question 63-6 : 4 hpa 8 hpa 16 hpa 32 hpa

exemple 83 4 hpa.4 hpa.

On a weather chart the wind flows the isobars above 3000 feet above ground ?

Question 63-7 : Parallel to around away from towards

exemple 87 parallel toparallel to

Turbulence clouds the smoothest flight should be expected ?

Question 63-8 : Under an overcast of stratus cloud on a clear hot summer day when there is no cloud under scattered cumulus cloud under a layer of stratocumulus cloud

exemple 91 under an overcast of stratus cloud.under an overcast of stratus cloud.

Turbulence regarding turbulence ?

Question 63-9 : It is a dangerous and often unpredictable phenomenon for most flights it represents no danger today's uavs are designed to withstand it only a trained pilot can cope with it

exemple 95 it is a dangerous and often unpredictable phenomenon.it is a dangerous and often unpredictable phenomenon.

Turbulence turbulence near the ground due to surface heating will usually be ?

Question 63-10 : During the early afternoon about mid morning during the early morning hours after sunrise immediately after sundown

exemple 99 during the early afternoon.during the early afternoon.

A drone may being struck by lightning if ?

Question 63-11 : It flies close to a cumulonimbus it has its embedded video equipment in operation it flies close to a cirrostratus it has a magnetic compass

exemple 103 it flies close to a cumulonimbus.it flies close to a cumulonimbus.

An atis automatic terminal information service permits to obtain the following ?

Question 63-12 : Surface wind direction and runway in use aircraft in flight in the area temperature and dewpoint to define cloud height clearance from flight control to takeoff

exemple 107 surface wind direction and runway in use.surface wind direction and runway in use.

A squall is characterized by ?

Question 63-13 : A very large variation of wind speed ice pellets showers hail showers snow showers

exemple 111 a very large variation of wind speed.a very large variation of wind speed.

Unstable cloud is characterised by 1 turbulences 2 wind gusts 3 showers 4 ?

Question 63-14 : 1 2 and 3 1 and 4 1 and 3 2 and 4

An orographic thunderstorm develops ?

Question 63-15 : In mountainous area or above relief over sea over plain at night


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