Control > UAV : A wind of 20 knots corresponds to an approximate speed of ?
Question 64-1 : 10 m/s 30 km/h 40 m/s 10 km/h
A northeast wind comes from ?
Question 64-2 : 045° 225° 315° 135°
A southwest wind comes from ?
Question 64-3 : 225° 045° 135° 095°

A wind blowing perpendicular to a relief will generate in the plain located ?
Question 64-4 : Updraughts and downdraughts an anabatic breeze a thunderstorm a katabatic breeze

A wind blowing perpendicular to a relief will generate currents ?
Question 64-5 : Up the slope on the windward side and down the slope on the leeward side up the slope on both sides down the slope on both sides down the slope on the windward side and up the slope on the leeward side

A winter sea breeze which starts on the shore during the morning will create ?
Question 64-6 : Low stratus and fog on the land thunderstorms at sea a foehn effect along the coastline convective instability

A sea breeze is created when ?
Question 64-7 : The pressure decreases above the ground surface the pressure increases above the ground surface ground surface cool faster than sea a warm center forms above the sea

What is the approximate speed of a 5 m/s wind expressed in kt ?
Question 64-8 : 10 kt 5 kt 2 5 kt 20 kt

You take off from an aerodrome where the pressure is relatively high towards an ?
Question 64-9 : Overestimate the altitude underestimate the altitude indicate 0 feet once on the ground give the exact altitude

Indicate what would be in a wind of 6 knots the position of a wind indicator on ?
Question 64-10 : 30 degrees below the horizon completely vertical 5 degrees below the horizon 60 degrees below the horizon

Indicate what would be in a wind of 10 knots the position of a wind indicator ?
Question 64-11 : 5 degrees below the horizon 30 degrees below the horizon completely vertical 60 degrees below the horizon

Indicate what would be in a wind of 15 knots or above the position of a wind ?
Question 64-12 : Completely horizontal completely vertical 30 degrees below the horizon 60 degrees below the horizon

According to the annex the location 'autoroute 10 hwy 10 riviere l'acadie' is . ?
Question 64-13 : A vfr check point a vfr call up point an aerodrome without hard surfaced runway an aerodrome with hard surfaced runway

According to the annex the location 'st philippe de la prairie' is . 43 ?
Question 64-14 : A vfr call up point a vfr check point an aerodrome without hard surfaced runway an aerodrome with hard surfaced runway

According to the annex the location 'church fall' is . 45 ?
Question 64-15 : A vfr check point a ruin a vfr call up point a waterfall
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