Experience > takeoff : Identify the statement that is correct for very high frequency vhf waves ?
Question 66-1 : They follow a straight trajectory and can only be captured in line of sight they follow the relief of the earth they are affected by magnetic fields they spread for a short distance only
Which of the following statements is correct ?
Question 66-2 : The meridians are half circles connecting the true poles the meridians are parallel to the equator the parallels are numbered from 1 to 360° from greenwich the meridians are numbered from 1 to 300° from greenwich
Utc is the local mean time ?
Question 66-3 : For the prime meridian for the international date line idl at the equator at the north pole

The direction and the distance between drumheller aerodrome and three hills ?
Question 66-4 : Northwest 21 nm soutwest 21 nm soutwest 210 nm northwest 210 nm

Latitude and longitude are respectively measured for an angular deviation of ?
Question 66-5 : 0° to 90° n or s and from 0° to 180° e or w 0° to 90° n or s and from 0° to 360° e or w 0° to 180° e or w and from 0° to 90° n or s 0° to 360° e or w and from 0° to 90° n or s

The position accuracy given by a gps can be improved using performance ?
Question 66-6 : 1 2 and 3 1 2 and 4 2 3 and 4 2 and 4

Differential gps satellite augmentation service accuracy begins to weaken around ?
Question 66-7 : 70° of latitude 60° of latitude 80° of latitude the equator

Gps relies on accurate measurement of ?
Question 66-8 : Time triangulation of receptors geostationary orbits reception angles

The coordinates of the intersection point between the equator and the greenwich ?
Question 66-9 : 00°n 000°e/w 90°n 000°w 90°n 000°e 00°n 090°e

The geographical coordinates of a place are given by reference ?
Question 66-10 : At the equator and the prime meridian the prime meridian and the longitude of the aera the prime meridian and the latitude of the aera at the equator and the local meridian

The waves emitted by low medium and high frequency stations are of two types ?
Question 66-11 : Surface waves and space waves terrestrial waves and stellar waves orographic waves and space waves vhf waves and uhf waves

Whenever possible notification of conditions requiring the issue of a notam ?
Question 66-12 : Five hours ten hours one day twelve hours

Where to find information about canadian airports and aerodromes ?
Question 66-13 : Canada flight supplement cfs designated airspace handbook dah canadian aviation regulations cars aeronautical information manual aim
Flight planning which of the following is not a service provided by nav canada ?
Question 66-14 : Sat comm notam atis awws
Flight planning which of the following statements best describes a notam notice ?
Question 66-15 : Notam's are issued by nav canada and provide information that relates to the condition or change in any aeronautical facility notam's are issued by transport canada and provide information that relates to the condition or change in any aeronautical facility notam's are issued every two hours and expire four hours after time of issue notam's are issued once an hour to give precise weather information
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