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Global navigation satellite system GNSS/GPS The simultaneous reception of 4 satellites provides ?

Result > map

exemple 81
Time, latitude, longitude, altitude, time, latitude, longitude, time altitude, latitude, longitude, altitude.

Global navigation satellite system GNSS/GPS The instant speed given by an airborne GPS is the ?

exemple 82
Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps the instant speed given an airborne gps the Ground speed, estimated speed, indicated speed, true speed.

Global navigation satellite system GNSS/GPS GPS Global Positioning System is a satellite navigation system that can give you a position The GPS ?

exemple 83
Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps gps global positioning system a satellite navigation system that can give you a position the gps It provides your position on earth surface, provided that you receive at least 3 satellites, does not cover polar areas, it provides your position on earth surface, provided that you receive at least 2 satellites, it provides your position on earth surface, provided that you receive at least satellite.

  • exemple 84
    Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps gnss/gps A provides world wide coverage, does not cover polar areas, uses 24 relay antennas through a ground station network, is limited to european north american coverage.

  • exemple 85
    Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps which of following geometric satellite constellations provides most accurate gnss/gps position fix 3 satellites with a low elevation above horizon an azimuth of2 ° from each other together with a fourth directly overhead, 4 satellites with an azimuth of 9 ° from each other an elevation of 45° above horizon, 3 satellites with an azimuth of2 ° from each other an elevation of 45° above horizon, 4 satellites with an azimuth of 9 ° from each other a low elevation above horizon.

  • exemple 86
    Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps the geodetic reference system the satellite navigation system gps Wgs84, ed5 , ed87, euref92

  • exemple 87
    Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps what the minimum number of gnss/gps satellites required to obtain an accurate 2d position fix

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 8

    Global navigation satellite system gnss/gps what are effects if any of shadowing parts of aircraft e g airborne camera on reception of signals from gnss/gps satellites It may prevent reception of signals, it has no influence because high frequency signals are unaffected, the signals will be distorted, however error can be corrected using an algorithm information from unaffected signals, it causes multipath propagation.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 9

    Radio theory when raising frequency of an electromagnetic wave the Wavelength decreases, wavelength increases, wavelength remains same, wavelength amplitude increases.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 10

    Radio theory with regard to radio waves propagation a cycle defined as A complete series of values of a periodical process, a number of oscillation per second, the length of pulse, the distance covered a radio wave in one second.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 11

    Radio theory how the unit 'hertz' hz defined The number of electromagnetic oscillations per second, duration of an oscillation, the distance covered a radio wave in one second, the number of electromagnetic oscillations per minute.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 12

    Radio theory the 'amplitude' of an electromagnetic wave defined as Maximum deflection in an oscillation or wave, physical length of an oscillation, number of cycles occurring in one second in a radio wave expressed in hertz (hz), wavelength.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 13

    Radio theory diffraction the process which Radio wave travel over around obstacles, a space wave penetrates ionosphere, a ground wave attenuated over rough ground, a direct wave bent around form of earth.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 14

    Radio theory frequency defined as Number of cycles occurring in one second in a radio wave expressed in hertz (hz), minimum number of cycles occurring in one minute in a radio wave expressed in hertz (hz), maximum deflection in a radio wave expressed in hertz (hz), length of a radio wave expressed as an angle.

  • Question Section 5: Navigation 68 Answer 15

    Radio theory wavelength defined as Physical distance travelled a radio wave during one cycle of transmission, maximum variation of an oscillation, distance travelled a radio wave in one second, number of oscillations per second.

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