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The correct way of transmitting the number 1500 when indicating an altitude is ?

Exam > equipment

exemple 93
One thousand five hundred, one five zero zero, one five thousant, one five hundred.  PDF Canada_VFR_Phraseology see page 11/66 an example on page 56/66 «cartwright traffic, piper charlie alpha golf, five miles to south, three thousand five hundred feet, will descend to one thousand five hundred to overfly field».

The correct way of transmitting the number 2600 when indicating an altitude is ?

exemple 94
The correct way of transmitting number 2600 when indicating an altitude Two thousand six hundred, two six hundred, two thousand six zero zero, two six thousand.

In radio communications the signal which means that grave and imminent danger threatens and immediate assistance is required is the spoken phrase ?

exemple 95
In radio communications signal which means that grave and imminent danger threatens and immediate assistance required the spoken phrase Mayday, mayday, mayday, pan pan, pan pan, pan pan, alert, alert, security, security.

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