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Basic Operations / Section 1: Air law / 2DQ / Remove from my list
As part of the site survey before commencing RPAS operations the pilot must take into account the class of airspace, the proximity of aerodromes and the:
A. proximity to local law enforcement.
B. predominant weather conditions for the area of operation.
C. minimum separation distances from persons.
D. location and size of bodies of water.
B, C. B, C, D. A, C. A, D.Explication ~ 901.27 Site Survey

No pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system unless, before commencing operations, they determine that the site for take-off, launch, landing or recovery is suitable for the proposed operation by conducting a site survey that takes into account the following factors:
(a) the boundaries of the area of operation;
(b) the type of airspace and the applicable regulatory requirements;
(c) the altitudes and routes to be used on the approach to and departure from the area of operation;
(d) the proximity of manned aircraft operations;
(e) the proximity of aerodromes, airports and heliports;
(f) the location and height of obstacles, including wires, masts, buildings, cell phone towers and wind turbines;
(g) the predominant weather and environmental conditions for the area of operation; and
(h) the horizontal distances from persons not involved in the operation.