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Main strategies to face temporal constraints are ? Revision > professional

The preparation of actions the classification of tasks in priority order.

What are the main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance hypovigilance 1 The monotony of the task 2 Tiredness and the need for sleep 3 A lack of stimulation 4 Excessive stress ?

What are main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance hypovigilance 1 the monotony of task 2 tiredness and need sleep 3 a lack of stimulation 4 excessive stress The preparation of actions the classification of tasks in priority order.

Interpersonal relations Workplace Safety The Canada Labour Code gives you the right to know the right to participate and the right ?

Interpersonal relations workplace safety the canada labour code gives you right to know right to participate and right To refuse dangerous work.

One of means a drone pilot to be proficiency at an upcoming flight To prepare maximum of elements which will be used its realization.

A large number of medical preparations can be bought without a doctor's prescription in relation to using these preparations which of following correct A pilot using any of these preparations should get professional advice from an aviation medical specialist if he intends to fly self medicate at same time.

A high motivation level related to A high arousal level.

A pilot using a small rpas wears glasses to correct vision he Is not worried because it does not affect exercise of his activity.

A person being exposed to intense and prolonged stress can perceive An increased heart rate sweating fatigue.

A drone pilot focused on 3 parameters he deems essential height horizontal distance to an obstacle and drone speed a friend tells him he approaching a power line the pilot always focused does not readback this this situation characteristic of An increased heart rate sweating fatigue.

A tired drone pilot Will show signs of increasing irritability.

An rpas pilot can be described as being proficient when he/she Has automated a large part of necessary flight deck routine operations in order to free his/her cognitive resources.

An accumulation of tasks to perform In a given time will negatively impact performance.

Even after consumption of small amounts of alcohol Your time of reaction increased.

Alcohol even when taken in minor quantities Degrades your perception of reality.

A workload increases usually leads to A decrease in duration frequency of information exchanges.

A good decision Takes into account your savoir faire.

A possible cause of carbon monoxide poisoning Takes into account your savoir faire.

Once an pilot has developed a certain way of thinking about a problem he will probably Find it difficult to get out of that way of thinking difficult to try a different interpretation of data.

You are interrupted while running through a checklist from choices below indicate one that represents recommended way to handle interruption The pilot should keep list in a prominent place resume running through checklist at spot they were interrupted. A number of aircraft accidents have been directly attributed to lack of proper vital action checks the pilots concerned it essential that pretakeoff prelanding other necessary vital action checks be performed with care while transport canada does not prescribe standard checks to be performed pilots it strongly recommended that owners equip their aircraft with manufacturer's recommended checklists for any specific type of aircraft only relevant items should be included in checklists which should be arranged in an orderly sequence having regard to control station layout.

From choices listed below choose one key aspect to working in a crew The pilot should keep list in a prominent place resume running through checklist at spot they were interrupted. A number of aircraft accidents have been directly attributed to lack of proper vital action checks the pilots concerned it essential that pretakeoff prelanding other necessary vital action checks be performed with care while transport canada does not prescribe standard checks to be performed pilots it strongly recommended that owners equip their aircraft with manufacturer's recommended checklists for any specific type of aircraft only relevant items should be included in checklists which should be arranged in an orderly sequence having regard to control station layout.

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